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Research Title Research Type Research Year
Prediction of the aquatic toxicity of aromatic compounds to tetrahymena pyriformis through support vector regression
Prediction of the aquatic toxicity of aromatic compounds to tetrahymena pyriformis through support vector regression

Impact Journals LLC
Article In Journal 1438

Research Title Research Type Research Year
In-depth comparison of somatic point mutation callers based on different tumor next-generation sequencing depth data
In-depth comparison of somatic point mutation callers based on different tumor next-generation sequencing depth data

Scientific reports
Article In Journal 1437

Research Title Research Type Research Year
dRHP-PseRA: detecting remote homology proteins using profile-based pseudo protein sequence and rank aggregation
dRHP-PseRA: detecting remote homology proteins using profile-based pseudo protein sequence and rank aggregation

Scientific reports
Article In Journal 1437

Research Title Research Type Research Year
pSumo-CD: predicting sumoylation sites in proteins with covariance discriminant algorithm by incorporating sequence-coupled effects into general PseAAC
pSumo-CD: predicting sumoylation sites in proteins with covariance discriminant algorithm by incorporating sequence-coupled effects into general PseAAC

Article In Journal 1437

Research Title Research Type Research Year
iPhos-PseEn: identifying phosphorylation sites in proteins by fusing different pseudo components into an ensemble classifier
iPhos-PseEn: identifying phosphorylation sites in proteins by fusing different pseudo components into an ensemble classifier

Article In Journal 1437

Research Title Research Type Research Year
iHyd-PseCp: Identify hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine in proteins by incorporating sequence-coupled effects into general PseAAC
iHyd-PseCp: Identify hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine in proteins by incorporating sequence-coupled effects into general PseAAC

Article In Journal 1437

Research Title Research Type Research Year
iCar-PseCp: identify carbonylation sites in proteins by Monte Carlo sampling and incorporating sequence coupled effects into general PseAAC
iCar-PseCp: identify carbonylation sites in proteins by Monte Carlo sampling and incorporating sequence coupled effects into general PseAAC

Article In Journal 1437

Research Title Research Type Research Year
iROS-gPseKNC: predicting replication origin sites in DNA by incorporating dinucleotide position-specific propensity into general pseudo nucleotide composition
iROS-gPseKNC: predicting replication origin sites in DNA by incorporating dinucleotide position-specific propensity into general pseudo nucleotide composition

Article In Journal 1437

Research Title Research Type Research Year
iACP: a sequence-based tool for identifying anticancer peptides
iACP: a sequence-based tool for identifying anticancer peptides

Article In Journal 1437

Research Title Research Type Research Year
Using deformation energy to analyze nucleosome positioning in genomes
Using deformation energy to analyze nucleosome positioning in genomes

Article In Journal 1437

Research Title Research Type Research Year
iEnhancer-2L: a two-layer predictor for identifying enhancers and their strength by pseudo k-tuple nucleotide composition
iEnhancer-2L: a two-layer predictor for identifying enhancers and their strength by pseudo k-tuple nucleotide composition

OXFORD Academic
Article In Journal 1437

Research Title Research Type Research Year
iPPBS-Opt: A Sequence-Based Ensemble Classifier for Identifying Protein-Protein Binding Sites by Optimizing Imbalanced Training Datasets
iPPBS-Opt: A Sequence-Based Ensemble Classifier for Identifying Protein-Protein Binding Sites by Optimizing Imbalanced Training Datasets

Article In Journal 1437

Research Title Research Type Research Year
iMiRNA-PseDPC: microRNA precursor identification with a pseudo distance-pair composition approach
iMiRNA-PseDPC: microRNA precursor identification with a pseudo distance-pair composition approach

Article In Journal 1437

Research Title Research Type Research Year
iSuc-PseOpt: Identifying lysine succinylation sites in proteins by incorporating sequence-coupling effects into pseudo components and optimizing imbalanced training dataset
iSuc-PseOpt: Identifying lysine succinylation sites in proteins by incorporating sequence-coupling effects into pseudo components and optimizing imbalanced training dataset

Article In Journal 1437

Research Title Research Type Research Year
pRNAm-PC: Predicting N(6)-methyladenosine sites in RNA sequences via physical-chemical properties
pRNAm-PC: Predicting N(6)-methyladenosine sites in RNA sequences via physical-chemical properties

Article In Journal 1437

Research Title Research Type Research Year
iDNA-Methyl: identifying DNA methylation sites via pseudo trinucleotide composition
iDNA-Methyl: identifying DNA methylation sites via pseudo trinucleotide composition

Article In Journal 1436

Research Title Research Type Research Year
Benchmark data for identifying DNA methylation sites via pseudo trinucleotide composition.
Benchmark data for identifying DNA methylation sites via pseudo trinucleotide composition.

Article In Journal 1436

Research Title Research Type Research Year
repDNA: a Python package to generate various modes of feature vectors for DNA sequences by incorporating user-defined physicochemical properties and sequence-order effects
repDNA: a Python package to generate various modes of feature vectors for DNA sequences by incorporating user-defined physicochemical properties and sequence-order effects

Article In Journal 1436

Research Title Research Type Research Year
Identification of microRNA precursor with the degenerate K-tuple or Kmer strategy.
Identification of microRNA precursor with the degenerate K-tuple or Kmer strategy.

Article In Journal 1436

Research Title Research Type Research Year
Identification of real microRNA precursors with a pseudo structure status composition approach
Identification of real microRNA precursors with a pseudo structure status composition approach

Article In Journal 1436

Research Title Research Type Research Year
Identification of protein-protein binding sites by incorporating the physicochemical properties and stationary wavelet transforms into pseudo amino acid composition
Identification of protein-protein binding sites by incorporating the physicochemical properties and stationary wavelet transforms into pseudo amino acid composition

Article In Journal 1436

Research Title Research Type Research Year
iPPI-Esml: An ensemble classifier for identifying the interactions of proteins by incorporating their physicochemical properties and wavelet transforms into PseAAC
iPPI-Esml: An ensemble classifier for identifying the interactions of proteins by incorporating their physicochemical properties and wavelet transforms into PseAAC

Article In Journal 1436

Research Title Research Type Research Year
Pseudo nucleotide composition or PseKNC: an effective formulation for analyzing genomic sequences
Pseudo nucleotide composition or PseKNC: an effective formulation for analyzing genomic sequences

Article In Journal 1436

Research Title Research Type Research Year
iRNA-Methyl: Identifying N(6)-methyladenosine sites using pseudo nucleotide composition
iRNA-Methyl: Identifying N(6)-methyladenosine sites using pseudo nucleotide composition

Article In Journal 1436

Research Title Research Type Research Year
Gestational Influenza Increases the Risk of Psychosis in Adults
Gestational Influenza Increases the Risk of Psychosis in Adults

Article In Journal 1436

Research Title Research Type Research Year
iNuc-PseKNC: a sequence-based predictor for predicting nucleosome positioning in genomes with pseudo k-tuple nucleotide composition
iNuc-PseKNC: a sequence-based predictor for predicting nucleosome positioning in genomes with pseudo k-tuple nucleotide composition

Article In Journal 1435

Research Title Research Type Research Year
iRSpot-TNCPseAAC: identify recombination spots with trinucleotide composition and pseudo amino acid components
iRSpot-TNCPseAAC: identify recombination spots with trinucleotide composition and pseudo amino acid components

Article In Journal 1435

Research Title Research Type Research Year
Predicting drugs side effects based on chemical-chemical interactions and protein-chemical interactions
Predicting drugs side effects based on chemical-chemical interactions and protein-chemical interactions

Article In Journal 1434

Research Title Research Type Research Year
iRSpot-PseDNC: identify recombination spots with pseudo dinucleotide composition
iRSpot-PseDNC: identify recombination spots with pseudo dinucleotide composition

Article In Journal 1434

Research Title Research Type Research Year
Some remarks on predicting multi-label attributes in molecular biosystems.
Some remarks on predicting multi-label attributes in molecular biosystems.

Article In Journal 1434

Research Title Research Type Research Year
iHSP-PseRAAAC: Identifying the heat shock protein families using pseudo reduced amino acid alphabet composition
iHSP-PseRAAAC: Identifying the heat shock protein families using pseudo reduced amino acid alphabet composition

Article In Journal 1434

Research Title Research Type Research Year
Signal Propagation in Protein Interaction Network during Colorectal Cancer Progression
Signal Propagation in Protein Interaction Network during Colorectal Cancer Progression

Article In Journal 1434

Research Title Research Type Research Year
Combining evolutionary information extracted from frequency profiles with sequence-based kernels for protein remote homology detection
Combining evolutionary information extracted from frequency profiles with sequence-based kernels for protein remote homology detection

Article In Journal 1434

Research Title Research Type Research Year
iEzy-Drug: A web server for identifying the interaction between enzymes and drugs in cellular networking
iEzy-Drug: A web server for identifying the interaction between enzymes and drugs in cellular networking

Article In Journal 1434

Research Title Research Type Research Year
Metallo-β-lactamases: structural features, antibiotic recognition, inhibition, and inhibitor design
Metallo-β-lactamases: structural features, antibiotic recognition, inhibition, and inhibitor design

Article In Journal 1434

Research Title Research Type Research Year
Molecular Simulation to Investigate the Cofactor Specificity for Pichia stipitis Xylose Reductase
Molecular Simulation to Investigate the Cofactor Specificity for Pichia stipitis Xylose Reductase

Article In Journal 1434

Research Title Research Type Research Year
Recent advances in predicting protein classification and their applications to drug development
Recent advances in predicting protein classification and their applications to drug development

Article In Journal 1434

Research Title Research Type Research Year
iCDI-PseFpt: identify the channel–drug interaction in cellular networking with PseAAC and molecular fingerprints
iCDI-PseFpt: identify the channel–drug interaction in cellular networking with PseAAC and molecular fingerprints

Article In Journal 1434

Research Title Research Type Research Year
Predict drug-protein interaction in cellular networking
Predict drug-protein interaction in cellular networking

Article In Journal 1434

Research Title Research Type Research Year
iGPCR-Drug: A web server for predicting interaction between GPCRs and drugs in cellular networking
iGPCR-Drug: A web server for predicting interaction between GPCRs and drugs in cellular networking

Article In Journal 1434

Research Title Research Type Research Year
Recent progresses in identifying nuclear receptors and their families
Recent progresses in identifying nuclear receptors and their families

Article In Journal 1434

Research Title Research Type Research Year
iAMP-2L: a two-level multi-label classifier for identifying antimicrobial peptides and their functional types
iAMP-2L: a two-level multi-label classifier for identifying antimicrobial peptides and their functional types

Article In Journal 1434

Research Title Research Type Research Year
iSNO-AAPair: incorporating amino acid pairwise coupling into PseAAC for predicting cysteine S-nitrosylation sites in proteins
iSNO-AAPair: incorporating amino acid pairwise coupling into PseAAC for predicting cysteine S-nitrosylation sites in proteins

Article In Journal 1434

No. of Records 43 records