Prof. Mohammed H. Al-Qahtani
Coordinator of Diagnostic & Genomic Medicine Unit (DGMU)
Assistant of Genetic Counselling Service Unit
Cancer Genomics, Genomic Screening, Pharmacogenomics, Biorepositories and Biospecimen Research Groups
Professor Mohammed Hussain AlQahtani is the founder and Executive Director of the Centre of Excellence in Genomic Medicine Research (CEGMR) King Abdulaziz University (KAU) and also the founder and Director of the Genomic Medicine Unite (GMU, KAU Hospital). Dr AlQahtani obtained his Bachelor of Science degree in Medical Technology from King Abdulaziz University in 1989 after which he sought postgraduate Master's study at Michener Institute for Applied Health Science, Toronto, Ontario, Canada and obtained his M.Sc. degree from there in 1992.
In 1994, Dr AlQahtani added to his profile the NCA qualification in clinical cytogenetics from the National Certification Agency for Medical Laboratory Personnel Bethesda, Maryland, USA and added the CSLT qualification in the same field from the Canadian Society of Laboratory Technologists Hamilton, Ontario Canada. In 1999, Dr AlQahtani was awarded the PhD from the Institute Of Cancer Studies, Clinical Oncology Department, the Medical School, University of Sheffield, UK.
After his PhD, Dr AlQahtani carried out a considerable number of studies in his field and published more than 145 peer-reviewed international articles in addition to giving a considerable number of lectures and talks in international conferences. Due to his outstanding scientific and administrative performance, Dr AlQahtani is appointed in a number of academic positions including a consultant for King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST, 2002 until present), Deputy Director of King Fahd Medical Research Centre (KFMRC, KAU, 2002-2006), and the head of the Medical Biology Department, College of Medicine (KAU, 2005-2007).
Prof. Adeel Gilzar Chaudhary
Consultant of Diagnostic & Genomic Medicine Unit (DGMU)
Genomic Screening & Neurogenomics Research Groups
Extraordinary experience in Initiating and maintaining Intra-institutional links. Supervise national and international MSc as well as PhD students registered with KAU. Initiate and monitor various development programs at FAMS, KAU. Establish and manage various committees at KFMRC and CEGMR including publication, post graduate & ethical committees. Founder & president of Saudi oncology research society SSGMO. Implement and manage various accreditation programs at FAMS such as IBMS, NCAAA and AHPGS. Manage distinguished professors’ program at CEGMR and FAMS. Initiate & support international technical\ scientific workshops for Saudi post graduates in Oncology research. Member of research committee in health sciences @ KACST. Coordinate PR at CIPM, KAU. Principle investigator and co-investigator on several projects including Autism, Congenital Heart Disease, Intellectual disability and Breast Cancer susceptibility genes' chip development project. Subject coordination for molecular biology and biotechnology at the FAMS MSc program. Head of neurogenetics research group at CEGMR with interest in duchenne muscular dystrophy, spinal muscular atrophy juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, autism, fragile & intellectual disabilities.
Abb: CEGMR; Center of Excellence for Genomic Medicine Research. FAMS; Faculty of Applied Medical Sc. KAU; King Abdulaziz University. KACST; King Abdulaziz City for Science & Technology. SSGMO; Saudi Society for Genomic & Molecular Oncology Research. HiCi; Thomas Reuters Highly Cited. KFMRC; King Fahd Medical Research Center. CIPM; Center for Innovation in Personalized Medicine
Appointed as demonstrator in 1993 at the Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences. King Abdulaziz University (KAU), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. In 2010 I was promoted to associate professor. Current academic activities include coordinating Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology modules at undergraduate & post graduate level.
Vice-director for technical affairs at the Center of Excellence in Genomic Medicine Research at KAU. Under the Umbrella of Ministry of Higher Education, the center established in 2008 currently excels in providing fundamental research platforms in Cancer genetics, neurogenetics, genomic screening and Adult stem cell biology. Established joint MSc & PhD programs. Hosts international conferences, 'hands-on' workshops in DNA sequencing, PCRs, real-time analysis, microarray and cytogenetics.
Consultant at DGMU since inception in 2003...now a CAP accredited lab that provides state-of- the art diagnostic solutions for a range of disease markers in Cytogenetics, Molecular Cytogenetics and Molecular Genetics.
Diagnostic Radiology and radiotherapy undergraduate program at Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, KAU, Jeddah. A five year undergraduate program that allows students to obtain in-depth theoretical as well as technical knowledge in MRI, CT, Ultrasound, Ultrasonography, Echocardiography and General X-ray
Prof. Faisal M H AL-Mashat
Professor, Consultant Surgical Oncologist
Department of Surgery
College of Medicine
King Abdulaziz University
Jeddah, KSA
Prof. Al-Mashat is a consultant surgical oncologist at the College of Medicine, King Abdulaziz University (KAU), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (KAS). He obtained his undergraduate degree from KAU and hid medical qualifications from UK. Prof. Almashat has been actively involved in a number of research projects in collaboration with CEGMR at KAU concentrating mainly on soft tissue tumours research aiming to identify novel therapeutic strategies and to unravel the key molecular events involved in the soft tissue sarcomas using advanced molecular approaches including NGS and Microarray. Out of his research, Prof. Al-Mashat published a considerable number of pee-reviewed articles in respectable high impact international journals. Due to his expertise in the field, Prof. AlMashat is a member in a considerable number of Tumour Societies and boards either in KSA or internationally. |
Prof. Jodat Magrabi
Department of Pathology
Faculty of Medicine
King Abdulaziz University
Jeddah, KSA |
Prof. Magharabi is Director of University hospital laboratories and scientist of international repute. He has published more than 40 papers in national and international scientific journals. His current research interests are to discover new molecular biomarkers suitable to help the pathologist in thyroid cancer validation. |
Prof. Hasan Saleh Jamal
Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Faculty of Medicine
King Abdulaziz University
Jeddah, KSA |
Dr. Hasan Saleh Jamal is professor of obstetrics and gynecology. He obtained his MBBCh degree from Ain Shams University, Egypt. Presently he is studying cytogenetics of recurrent abortion in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Dr. Jamal is involved in active research and has 25 papers to his credit. |
Dr. Faten Al-Sayes
Department of Hematology
Faculty of Medicine
King Abdulaziz University
Jeddah, KSA |
Dr. Faten received her MBBCh. degree from King Abdulaziz University and MRCPath from Royal Post Graduate Medical School, Imperial College, London. She is vice chairman of Department of Hematology, king abdulaziz university Hospital. Dr. Faten is an active researcher with major interests in understanding the biological mechanisms involved in leukemia and how these mechanisms can be exploited to develop and test new therapies. She has published her research work in various national and international journals. |
Prof. Adel M. Abu Zenadah
Consultant of Diagnostic & Genomic Medicine Unit (DGMU)
Cancer Genomics, Genomic Screening, Pharmacogenomics, Biorepositories and Biospecimen Research Groups
Professor Adel Abu Zenadah is currently the Dean of the Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences before which he was the Vice President of King Fahd Medical Research Centre (KFMRC) and he is one of the founders of the Centre of Excellence in Genomic Medicine Research (CEGMR) in which he is the Deputy Director of the Administrative Affairs. Dr Abu Zenadah was graduated from king Abdulaziz University in the Medical Technology Sciences in 1991 then he travelled to get his M.Sc. in Pathological Sciences from Sheffield Hallam University, UK in 1994.
In 1998, Prof. Abu Zenadah was awarded his PhD in Molecular and Genetic Medicine field from the Sheffield Hallam University, UK. Dr Abu Zenadah in his PhD study was able to characterize the molecular basis of von Willebrand's disease. Dr Abu Zenadah is a very active and valuable staff member who published at least fifty peer-reviewed international publications in addition to presenting a significant number of posters and conference talks.
Prof. Abu Zenadah is very well known by his role in establishing a number of advanced research units at KFMRC of medical genetics research including the Technology and Innovation Centre, which is expected to have excellent impact on human diseases research including infertility treatment research with a state-of-the-art animal house research facility. As a matter of KAU recognition of his excellent administrative performance, Dr Adel Abu Zenadah has been appointed in 2013 as the Dean of the Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences.
Prof. Mamdouh Abdullah Gari
Consultant of Tissue Culture Service Unit
Tissue Culture & Regenerative Medicine and Cancer Genomics Research Groups
Professor Mamdouh Gari is currently the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, King Abdulaziz University (KAU), Rabegh branch. He is also one of the founders of the Centre of Excellence in Genomic Medicine Research and he is the supervisor of the continuing education and postgraduate studies in the center. Dr Gari finished his high school education in 1987 in Switzerland after which he obtained his University undergraduate study from KAU in 1989 in Medical Technology.
In 1996 Dr Gari successfully finished his Master's degree from Sheffield University and continued his postgraduate study in the same university then he obtained his PhD in 2000. During his PhD study, Dr Gari gained massive and extensive experience in the field of molecular and medical application of medical pathology. Dr Gari supervised a considerable number of M.Sc. studies and managed to publish so far more than 45 peer-reviewed international publications in addition to presenting his outstanding work in too many international conferences. In 2013, Dr Gari's pioneer and excellent research work has been crowned by awarding him the Professorship.
Prof. Adnan Abdulmoaty Merdad
Department of Surgery
Faculty of Medicine
King Abdulaziz University
Jeddah, KSA |
Prof. Adnan Abdulmoaty Merdad is a distinguished surgeon. He received his M.B.B.Ch. from College of Medicine, Cairo University. His research interests lie in the area of breast cancer with special emphasis on changes at the transcription level using gene expression arrays for the discovery of novel biomarkers in Saudi breast cancer females, and how these studies can be exploited for better diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of breast cancer. He has published his work in several nation and international scientific journals. |
Prof. Hasan Mohammed Ali Farsi
Chairman, Department of Urology
Department of Urology
King Abdulaziz University
Jeddah, KSA
Professor Hasan Farsi is the Consultant Urologist of the KFSH&RC and Department of Urology, KAU Hospital. He had completed M.B.B.Ch. from Cairo University in 1976. He became the Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (Urology) in 1984 and Fellow of the American College of Surgeons in 1992. He was certified by American Board of Urology twice in 1987 and 1996. He is actively involved in urological research focusing in kidney and bladder cancer. Presently, he is involved in study based on establishing expression profile of solid cancer using high throughput microarray and published many research articles as well. Recently he published articles entitled Molecular interaction of a kinase inhibitor midostaurin with anticancer drug targets, S100A8 and EGFR: transcriptional profiling and molecular docking study for kidney cancer therapeutics in PLOS ONE, an internationally reputed peer reviewed ISI journals. |
Prof. Mahmoud Shaheen Al-Ahwal
Department of Internal Medicine
Faculty of Medicine
King Abdulaziz University
Jeddah, KSA |
Prof. Mahmoud Shaheen Al-Ahwal is current Dean of Faculty of Medicine, King Abdulaziz University. He is involved in colorectal cancer research employing integrative approaches based on gene expression, microRNA and protein expression to identify regulatory pathways in colon cancer pathogenesis |
Prof. Abdulraheem Rozi
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Faculty of Medicine
King Abdulaziz University
Jeddah, KSA |
Dr. Abdulraheem obtained his MBBCh. degree from King Abdulaziz University and FRCSC from university of British Columbia, Canada. He is an extraordinary researcher who has published his work in several scholarly journals of national and international repute. His current research interests are in the field of recurrent abortion in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia |
Prof. Kamal Daghistani
ENT Department
Dr. Erfan & Bagedo General Hospital
Jeddah, KSA |
Prof. Kamal Daghistani obtained his MBBS degree from Dow Medical college, Karachi, Pakistan. His current research interests are in the field of deafness to identify the molecular causes of congenital hearing loss in families from the Western region of Saudi Arabia. |
Dr. Hussein Al-Qahtani
Head Neurology Section
King Khalid National Guard Hospital
Jeddah, KSA |
Dr. Hussein obtained his Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery degree from King Abdulaziz University Jeddah. He is currently working on the mechanistic pathways by which genetic mutations cause neurological disease and how these pathways are disrupted by genetic and subsequent protein alterations. |