Flowcytometry Unit
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Flowcytometry Unit
Dr Farid Ahmed
Dr Peter Natesan Pushparaj
The CEGMR Flow Cytometry Unit consists of BD FACSAria III and offers support in cellular and molecular analysis of extracellular and intracellular proteins in normal and patient samples as well as sorting of individual cell populations from biological samples. The goal of our Flow Cytometry Unit is to help the CEGMR researchers and their staff/students to analyze the cells for immuno-phenotyping using specific markers as well as cell sorting facilities to isolate specific cell populations for further studies in the areas of functional genomics, proteomics and metabolomics. Currently, the Flow Cytometry Unit is headed by Dr. Peter NatesanPushparaj.
BD FACSDiva software efficiently controls the setup, acquisition, and analysis of Flow Cytometry data from the BD FACSAria III workstation.BD FACSDiva software is common across many BD cell analyzers and cell sorters currently available for research and development purposes. CEGMR researchers can gain application flexibility because it is easier to move the assay design and optimization to another platform, for example, from analysis to sorting.
Resources Available:
CEGMR Flow Cytometry Unit is equipped with state-of-the-art hardware and software:
Software: |
Last Update
2/11/2015 2:03:28 PM