International Level Collaborations

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A number of reputed international research centers and scientists agreed to collaborate on a number of scientific projects with CEGNR. Some of these include:

Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (IGIB), India National Institute of Immunology, India Turku University, Finland
Department of Computer Science at Manchester, UK Kings College London, UK (Prof. Ghulam Mufti) University of Bristol, UK (Dr. Wael Kaffeina)
Weill Cornell Medical College, Qatar Department of Pathology, Kuwait University The Center for Genomic Applications (TCGA), India
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seatle, USA (Prof. Samir Hanash)
Individual Researchers:
Prof. Foo Y Liew, FR
Senior Research Fellow, University of Glasgow, UK
Prof. Hirokawa, Nobutaka
Distinguished Project Professor, University of Tokyo, Japan
Prof. Shay, Jerry W
Director, Cancer Biology, University of Texas Southwestern (UTS), USA
Prof. Thomas C. Südhof
Avram Goldstein Professor, Stanford University, USA
Prof. Fornace, Jr., Albert Joseph
Professor, Georgetown University (GTU), USA
Prof. Paolo Sassone-Corsi
Director, Center for Epigenetics and Metabolism, University of California, USA
Prof. Perrimon, Norbert
Professor, Genetics, Harvard Medical School, USA
Prof. Christian Buske
Institute for Experimental Tumor Biology, University of Ulm, Germany
Prof. John E Davies 
University of Toronto, President, Tissue Regenerative Therapeutics

Last Update
3/18/2014 8:52:17 AM