Dr. Leena Merdad
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Leena Merdad - Ph.D |
Dr. Leena Merdad
Department of Dental Public Health at the Faculty of Dentistry
King Abdulaziz University
Jeddah, KSA
Dr. Leena Merdad is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Dental Public Health at the Faculty of Dentistry at King Abdulaziz University (KAU) in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. She is also an advisor for the WHO regional office for the Eastern Mediterranean. She received her bachelor degree in Dental Medicine and Surgery from KAU in 2003 and her doctorate degree in Global Health from the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston in 2013. Her main areas of interest are reproductive, maternal and child health.
Selected Publications:
- Merdad L, Hill K, Levin M. Survival of recent births as a source of child mortality estimates in the developing world; An assessment of census data. Submitted.
Alsaggaf MA, Wali SO, Merdad RA, Merdad LA. Nassif RA, El-Derwi D. Sleep of medical students during clinical years; Effect of stress and academic performance. Submitted.
Awan BA, Samargandi OA, Alghamdi HA, Sayegh AA, Hakeem YJ, Merdad L, et al. The desire to utilize postmastectomy breast reconstruction in Saudi Arabian women. Predictors and barriers. Saudi medical journal. 2015;36(3):304-9.
El-Housseiny A, Merdad L, Alamoudi N, Farsi N. Effect of child and parent characteristics on their rating for child dental fear using short and full versions of the Children Fear Survey Schedule – Dental Subscale. Oral health & dental management. 2015;14(1):9-16.
Aldaqal S, Khayat M, Bokhary R, Wakka M, Merdad L, Merdad M. Management of post-operative upper gastrointestinal leakage with autologous adipose stem cells. International surgery. 2014.
Merdad RA, Merdad LA, Nassif RA, El-Derwi D, Wali SO. Sleep habits in adolescents of Saudi Arabia; distinct patterns and extreme sleep schedules. Sleep medicine. 2014;15(11):1370-8.
Farsi N, Merdad L, Mirdad S. Caries risk assessment in preschool children in Saudi Arabia. Oral health & preventive dentistry. 2013;11(3):271-80.
Merdad L, Hill K, Graham W. Improving the measurement of maternal mortality: the sisterhood method revisited. PloS one. 2013;8(4):e59834.
Merdad LA, Al-Zahrani MS, Farsi JM. Smoking habits among Saudi female university students: prevalence, influencing factors and risk awareness. Annals of Saudi medicine. 2007;27(5):366-9.
Bonnelye E, Merdad L, Kung V, Aubin JE. The orphan nuclear estrogen receptor-related receptor alpha (ERRalpha) is expressed throughout osteoblast differentiation and regulates bone formation in vitro. The Journal of cell biology. 2001;153(5):971-84.
Last Update
3/2/2016 11:19:30 AM