Functional & Developmental Genomics Research Program
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One of the most exciting research challenges of today is to understand how a single cell, represented by the fertilized egg, can give rise to an entire fully formed new organism. This process involves the differentiation of a wide variety of cell types and subtypes which must be organized within a complex architecture to create a functioning adult. Such orchestrated process is very well controlled by a complex and interlinked network of cell signalling. Interestingly, the mechanisms which control embryonic development are also critical in human disease. Therefore, improving our understanding of many disease processes and disease-related genes requires us to begin by understanding their role in embryonic development.
Our research in the Functional and Developmental Genomics program seeks to utilise a wide range of genomic, genetic, molecular and cell biological approaches to improve our understanding of key developmental mechanisms. Using a sophisticated bio-imaging, large scale genomics and cross-species comparisons, we aim to shed light and unravel some of the complexity of one of the most promising areas of genomic research.
To understand how a single cell transforms into a fully functional organism by elucidating the cellular changes which occur during early and late embryonic development. |
To unravel the molecular mechanisms involved in reproduction, embryonic development and organogenesis. |
To apply high-throughput and cutting-edge technologies available at CEGMR in the developmental genomics field to understand cell signalling events during embryonic development. |
To understand how abnormal development occurs by using a wide range of experimental approaches including gene editing and gain- and loss- of function technologies. |
To elucidate the effects of the Gene-Environment interaction on embryonic development to understand the link of these effects to the congenital malformations induction as well as other human diseases. |
Functional & Developmental Genomics Research Group
Dr. Muhammed Abu-Elmagd
CEGMR, King Abdulaziz University |
Dr. Mourad Assidi
CEGMR, King Abdulaziz University |
Dr. Gauthaman Kalamegam
CEGMR, King Abdulaziz University |
Dr. Muhammad Imran Naseer
CEGMR, King Abdulaziz University |
Dr. Peter Natesan Pushparaj
CEGMR, King Abdulaziz University |
International Collaborators:
Prof. Andrea Münsterberg
School of Biological Sciences
University of East Anglia
Norwich, NR4 7TJ
Norfolk, United Kingdom
Prof. Grant Wheeler
School of Biological Sciences
University of East Anglia
Norwich, NR4 7TJ
United Kingdom