The First Annual National Genomic Day

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The CEGMR has completed a very successful year of its establishment, organization and consolidation; and therefore decided to commemorate the first anniversary. The executive committee resolved to organize “Genomic Day” on 19 Dul Qa'da 1429 corresponding to 17th Nov 2008 in the main auditorium, KFMRC, KAU. Prof. Dr. Abdullah Bafeel, KAU's Vice Dean for Research and Development consented to be the guest of honour and graced the occasion. Following recitation from the Holy Quran, Dr. Mohammed H. Al Qahtani in his inaugural address presented the achievements of CEGMR.  Dr. Adel Abuzenadah, Dr. Mamdouh Gari, and Dr. Adeel Chaudhary spoke and presided during various sessions. The Genomic Day was an open event where CEGMR staff was given opportunity to present their work and deliver short oral and poster presentations.
It was also a day to celebrate the center's accomplishments so far. The key persons as well as distinguished staff members were, therefore, honored for their contributions by the guest of honor.

The distinguished contributors included Dr. Mohammed H. Al Qahtani (Director, CEGMR), Dr. Adel Abuzenadah (Vice-director, Administrative Affairs, CEGMR). Dr. Adeel Chaudhary (Vice-director, Technical Affairs, CEGMR), Dr. Mamdouh Gari (Head, Education & Outreach Program, CEGMR), Prof. Waseem Ahmad Faridi (Consultant Research, CEGMR), Dr. Adnan Mazroa (Ex-Director, King Abdulaziz University Hospital), Dr. Kamal Daghastani (Ex-Director, King Fahad Medical Research Center), Dr. Hassan Jamal (Ex-Dean, College of Medicine, KAU), Dr. Adnan Merdad (Head, Breast Cancer Research Group, CEGMR) and Dr. Najla Gaffari (Consultant Pediatrician, Ministry of Health). The dignitaries applauded the achievements of CEGMR.

Due to massive support and enthusiasm shown by everyone, the executive committee decided to celebrate the Genomic Day on annual basis. The function was regarded as an impressive way of spreading scientific knowledge and creating awareness among young generation.

Last Update
9/26/2012 11:58:17 AM