
There is a widely recognized shortage of investigators, research assistants and laboratory technologists who should have the interdisciplinary skills needed to conduct most effectively the types of research described in this Center.

The Education and Outreach Program (EOP) develop new training protocols to create new kinds of scientific specialists who can be creative at the interface of genomics and other disciplines, such as biology, medicine, medical technology, pharmacy, computer science, and the mathematics. As the popularity of genomic research increases, the demand for these specialists greatly exceeds the supply. There is an urgent need to train more scientists in interdisciplinary areas that can contribute to genomics. Programs must be developed that will encourage training of both biological and non-biological scientists for careers in genomics and stable academic environment for genomic science must be created so that innovative research can be nurtured and training of new individuals can be assured.  



Last Update
5/31/2010 12:41:01 PM