Publication List
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Publication of 2017: |
31. |
Budowle B, Capt C, Chakraborty R, Ge J: Paternity calculations in a di-spermy case. International journal of legal medicine 2017, 131(2):339-343.
32. |
Bibi F, Yasir M, Alvi SA, Azhar EI, Al-Ghamdi AA, Abuzenadah AM, Raoult D, Angelakis E: 'Halomonas saudii' sp. nov., a new bacterial species isolated from marine plant Halocnemum strobilaceum. New microbes and new infections 2017, 15:42-43.
33. |
Bibi F, Faheem M, Azhar EI, Yasir M, Alvi SA, Kamal MA, Ullah I, Naseer MI: Bacteria From Marine Sponges: A Source of New Drugs. Current drug metabolism 2017, 18(1):11-15.
34. |
Ashraf GM, Perveen A, Zaidi SK, Ahmad A, Shakil S, Firoz CK, Jabir NR, Hassan I, Khan TA, Yarla NS et al: Galectins-A Potential Target for Cardiovascular Therapy. Current vascular pharmacology 2017, 15(4):296-312.
35. |
Ambers AD, Churchill JD, King JL, Stoljarova M, Gill-King H, Assidi M, Abu-Elmagd M, Buhmeida A, Al-Qahtani M, Budowle B: Erratum to: More Comprehensive Forensic Genetic Marker Analyses for Accurate Human Remains Identification Using Massively Parallel DNA Sequencing. BMC genomics 2017, 18(1):312.
36. |
Abu-Elmagd M, Alghamdi MA, Shamy M, Khoder MI, Costa M, Assidi M, Kadam R, Alsehli H, Gari M, Pushparaj PN et al: Evaluation of the Effects of Airborne Particulate Matter on Bone Marrow-Mesenchymal Stem Cells (BM-MSCs): Cellular, Molecular and Systems Biological Approaches. International journal of environmental research and public health 2017, 14(4).
Last Update
11/29/2017 12:01:57 PM