قائمة الأبحاث المنشورة
اختر سنة النشر :
الأبحاث المنشورة لعام 2017: |
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Lim ET, Uddin M, De Rubeis S, Chan Y, Kamumbu AS, Zhang X, D'Gama AM, Kim SN, Hill RS, Goldberg AP et al: Rates, distribution and implications of postzygotic mosaic mutations in autism spectrum disorder. Nature neuroscience 2017, 20(9):1217-1224.
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Law PJ, Berndt SI, Speedy HE, Camp NJ, Sava GP, Skibola CF, Holroyd A, Joseph V, Sunter NJ, Nieters A et al: Genome-wide association analysis implicates dysregulation of immunity genes in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. Nature communications 2017, 8:14175.
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Khan I, Baeesa S, Bangash M, Schulten HJ, Alghamdi F, Qashqari H, Madkhali N, Carracedo A, Saka M, Jamal A et al: Pleomorphism and drug resistant cancer stem cells are characteristic of aggressive primary meningioma cell lines. Cancer cell international 2017, 17:72.
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Karim S, Jamal HS, Rouzi A, Ardawi MSM, Schulten HJ, Mirza Z, Alansari NA, Al-Quaiti MM, Abusamra H, Naseer MI et al: Genomic answers for recurrent spontaneous abortion in Saudi Arabia: An array comparative genomic hybridization approach. Reproductive biology 2017, 17(2):133-143.
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Kamal MA, Shakil S, Nawaz MS, Yu QS, Tweedie D, Tan Y, Qu X, Greig NH: Inhibition of Butyrylcholinesterase with Fluorobenzylcymserine, An Experimental Alzheimer's Drug Candidate: Validation of Enzoinformatics Results by Classical and Innovative Enzyme Kinetic Analyses. CNS & neurological disorders drug targets 2017, 16(7):820-827.
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Jabir NR, Firoz CK, Ashraf GM, Zaidi SK, Shakil S, Kamal MA, Tabrez S: Common Therapeutic Modalities Against Diabetes and Associated Cardiovascular Disease. Current vascular pharmacology 2017, 15(4):365-373
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Heraclides A, Bashiardes E, Fernandez-Dominguez E, Bertoncini S, Chimonas M, Christofi V, King J, Budowle B, Manoli P, Cariolou MA: Y-chromosomal analysis of Greek Cypriots reveals a primarily common pre-Ottoman paternal ancestry with Turkish Cypriots. PloS one 2017, 12(6):e0179474.
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Gago-Diaz M, Ramos-Luis E, Zoppis S, Zorio E, Molina P, Braza-Boils A, Giner J, Sobrino B, Amigo J, Blanco-Verea A et al: Postmortem genetic testing should be recommended in sudden cardiac death cases due to thoracic aortic dissection. International journal of legal medicine 2017.
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Cheng X, Zhao SG, Xiao X, Chou KC: iATC-mISF: a multi-label classifier for predicting the classes of anatomical therapeutic chemicals. Bioinformatics (Oxford, England) 2017, 33(3):341-346.
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Budowle B, Schmedes SE, Wendt FR: Increasing the reach of forensic genetics with massively parallel sequencing. Forensic science, medicine, and pathology 2017.
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11/29/2017 11:22:02 AM