Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
السلوك الديناميكي للاصابة الفيروسية الكامنة مع الانتقال الخلوي
Subject : Faculty of Science 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : This thesis centers on the study of transmission within-host pathogen dynamics of infectious diseases by using mathematical models. These models take into account both latently infected cells and actively infected cells. Our proposed models are given by system of delay differential equations (DDEs). This study includes four main topics that are carried out by the following: (i) We have considered different forms of pathogen-susceptible and infected-susceptible incidence rates such as bilinear, saturation, and general incidence. (ii) We have considered two types of infected cells, latently infected cells which contain the pathogens but do not produce them, and actively infected cells which produce the pathogens. (iii) Three types of discrete or distributed time delays have been incorporated into those models. (iv) Since the immune response plays an important role in controlling the pathogenic infection, the interactions between the susceptible cells, pathogens, and the immune system cells in the human body have been taken into account. The antibody immune response or CTL immune response have been incorporated into the models. For all models, we first show that the model is biologically compatible. The properties of solutions of the model such as nonnegativity and boundedness have been studied. We derive two threshold parameters, the basic infection reproduction number, R0 which determines whether or not a chronic-infection can be established, and the immune response activation number, R1 which determines whether a persistent antibody/CTL immune response can be established. In case of general models we establish a set of conditions on the general functions which are sufficient to prove the existence and global stability of all steady states of the models. The global asymptotic stability is established using suitable Lyapunov functions and applying LaSalle's invariance principle. We present some examples and perform numerical simulations in order to illustrate the dynamical behavior. We show that the numerical results are consistent with the theoretical results. 
Supervisor : Prof. Ahmed Mohamed Elaiw 
Thesis Type : Master Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1441 AH
2019 AD
Co-Supervisor : Dr. Aatef Daafi Hobiny 
Added Date : Tuesday, November 12, 2019 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
امل عبدالله المطرفيAlmatrafi, Amal AbdullahResearcherMaster 


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