Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
Specificities of Litigation Based on Mitigation Embarrassment in Saudi Procedures Law
خصوصيات التقاضي المبنية على رفع الحرج في نظام المرافعات الشرعية السعودي دراسة فقهية تأصيلية
Subject : Specificities of Litigation Based on Mitigation Embarrassment in Saudi Procedures Law 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : The them of rhe study is Extrapolate the articles of Sudi Procedures Law, and specifiying the specific articles, which has an exemption or mor than exemption. This exemption is bases on the principle of facilitation, as well as explaning such articles. This study aimed to originate the articles from the heritage of muslim judges in the books of Figh of Law Procedures. Also, it aims to identity the relationship between privcy stipulated in related article and between the principle of facilitation. This study has six chapters, and each chapter has several searches mention the article wanted to be analyzed in the beginning of each search. This is followed by mentioning the important exaplantion. The study reached to that there are many disagreements in the provision of pleadings. These disagreemnts are closely linked to the variability of customs, which due to different people in their countries, times and cases the encounter. 
Supervisor : . عبدالرحمن بن نافع السلمي 
Thesis Type : Master Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1436 AH
2015 AD
Number Of Pages : 305 
Added Date : Saturday, July 27, 2019 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
فيصل فهد الصوليAssouli, Faisal FahadInvestigatorMaster 


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