Document Details

Document Type : Article In Journal 
Document Title :
disease in Western Saudi Hirschsprungs Arabia
المرض في هيرسكسبرنجز أرابيا غرب السعودية
Subject : disease in Western Saudi Hirschsprungs Arabia 
Document Language : English 
Abstract : Hi rschspru ngs disease (aga nglionic megacolon) demonstrates a predilection for males. Its incidence, reported in the west, is one in 5000 newborns.1 Approximately 90% of patients presented in infancy, usually with constipation and abdominal distension, but diarrhea may occur. The anus is typically normal, but the anal canal and rectum are usually small and devoid of stool. In classic cases, these physical findings are confirmed with barium enema, the contrast material flows into an unexpanded distal segment, then passes through a cone-shaped area, and finally into the dilated proximal bowel. The pathologic change is, or course, aganglionosis. The narrowed distal segment shows complete absence of ganglion cells from both the submucosal and mycnteric plexi, usually accompanied by hypertrophy of the muscularis mucosae and increased in numbers and size of nerves in the submucosa and between the muscle layers of the muscularis propna. In the tapered 
ISSN : 0379-5284 
Journal Name : Saudi Medical Journal 
Volume : 23 
Issue Number : 5 
Publishing Year : 1421 AH
2002 AD
Article Type : Article 
Added Date : Sunday, March 24, 2013 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
ابراهيم حسن الزهرانيalzhrani, ibrahim


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