Document Details

Document Type : Project 
Document Title :
Takaful- An Islamic Way of Insurance-Developments,Growth, Challenges and Issues
Takaful- An Islamic Way of Insurance-Developments,Growth, Challenges and Issues
Subject : Takaful- An Islamic Way of Insurance-Developments,Growth, Challenges and Issues 
Document Language : English 
Abstract : Islamic finance has developed mainly in two directions namely Islamic banking and Islamic insurance (Takaful). While information about Islamic banking is being increasingly disseminated, features, models and structures of Takaful are little known to the people in general. Purpose of this brief article is to describe main features and models of Takaful system operating in various parts of the world. Takaful is not a new concept in Islamic commercial law. The contemporary jurists acknowledge that the foundation of shared responsibility or Takaful was laid down in the system of ‘Aaqilah’, which was an arrangement of mutual help or indemnification customary in some tribes at the time of the Holy Prophet (pbuh). In case of any natural calamity, every body used to contribute something until the loss was indemnified. Similarly, the idea of Aaqilah in respect of blood money or any disaster was based on the concept of Takaful wherein payments by the whole tribe distributed the financial burden among the entire tribe. Islam accepted this principle of reciprocal compensation and joint responsibility. The distinction between the conventional insurance and Takaful business is more visible with respect to investment of funds. While insurance companies invest their funds in interest-based avenues and without any regard for the concept of Halal-o-Haram, Takaful companies undertake only Shariah compliant business and the profits are distributed in accordance with the pre-agreed ratios in the Takaful Agreement. Likewise they share in any surplus or loss from the pool collectively. Takaful system has a built-in mechanism to counter any over-pricing policies of the insurance companies because whatever may be the premium charged, the surplus would normally go back to the participants in proportion to their contributions. The preceding discussion is an idea to explore and view to the people in general that how The Islamic system of Takaful can be a future a front runner. It is really a challenge how does it mechanize in present context, a crux has been highlighted to see its real stratifications 
Publishing Year : 1429 AH
2008 AD
Number Of Pages : 11 
Sponsor Name : KAU 
Added Date : Saturday, May 15, 2010 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
عبدالاله سيف الدين ساعاتيSaati, Abdul Elah Saif
عبدالاله سيف الدين ساعاتيSaati, Abdul Elah Saif


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