Genomic Comprehension Teaching & Assessment

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     The genomic educational research and development sub-unit, GCTA, was established at the start of the academic year 1430-1431within the education and outreach program.
The sub unit is headed by Dr Wafa-Makky Nichols and its activities include:
Research :
Into and instigate innovative educational methods in line with current best evidence educational trends.

Design and monitor :
Outreach programs aimed at increasing genomic literacy in all sections of the community.

Into matters related to genetic education and communication.

Research in local and international educational and medical journals.

Both an internal quality assurance mechanism and a continuous quality improvement cycle for educational projects

Network :
With regional and international organizations working in the field of Genetic Education

Locally relevant ethical and social issues related to genetics.

A database of links to genetic educational material

G C T A will also be actively involved in the other scheduled educational activities planned by the Education & Outreach Division and other CEGMR Divisions.

Last Update
7/21/2010 3:09:11 PM