The president, King Abdulaziz University, Prof. AbdulRehman Bin Obaid Al Youbi – in a recent communiqué to the Director, Center of Excellence in Genomic Medicine Research, Prof. Mohammed Bin Hussein Al-Qahtani – conveyed his invaluable appreciation and acknowledgement for the exceptional achievements of npj – Genomic Medicine within a short time. His message reads:
“This is undoubtedly a valuable feat reflecting unequivocally great effort put up by the Editorial Board of the npj – Genomic Medicine and the CEGMR, for bringing recognition of this Journal worldwide. It will contribute immensely in publication and citations of the Journal and undoubtedly lead to build an effective scientific leadership in the field of global scientific publishing in the Kingdom and lend support to Vision 2030”.
The Director, CEGMR expresses his gratitude for the appreciation by the President, KAU on the success of npj – Genomic Medicine for bringing this scientific achievement. With an Editorial Advisory Board, competitive editors and an elaborate peer-reviewed system in place, the Journal promises for an efficient publishing service, internationally. The move will be greatly helped by extending the abstracting and indexing services of Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-E, SciSearch), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), PubMed Central and Scopus. All articles published in npj – Genomic Medicine, therefore, will be benefitted from these.
The Director, CEGMR, Prof. Al-Qahtani, on this occasion has to say: “Finally, there are reasons to be honestly proud of, for keeping our promise of high profile research with a combo of dual approach – a confluence of scientific informations and incentives of healthcare. This would ensure a sustainable support to the scientific and medical fraternity. In this light, the contribution by npj – Genomic Medicine can be immense”.