Molecular Service Unit

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Molecular Service Unit  
Prof Mohammed Al-Qahtani
Consultant (1):

Prof Adel Abuzenadah
Consultant (2):

Prof Adeel Chaudhary

The Molecular Service Unit constitutes the core of CEGMR research and training, which has a number of full-time support personnel that provide DNA sequencing and molecular biology training for the whole Department.
DNA and RNA extractions
Pre-and post-PCR preparation
Gel electrophoresis and documentation
Restriction Enzyme Fragment Analysis
New generation capillary electrophoresis for protein separation
Student training using multi-objective microscope
Real-time PCR
Sequencing and GeneScan
FISH preparation
Immuno-histochemistry preparation

Sequencing services:
Sanger Sequencing
Next Generation sequencing

Gene expression sequencing:
Affymetrix platform (Gene expression profiling, targeted re-sequencing) 
Agilent platform (Array CGH and SNP analysis, Gene expression profiling, miRNA profiling)

    Mass spectrometry and Nano UPLC 
Protein separation and identification using MS/MS platform 
Nano scale protein purification and identification

    Real-Time PCR based validation services

Equipments Available:
97500-series tables "UV trans illuminator" (Cole Parmer).
Centrifuge 5810R (Eppendorf).
Chemical Fume Hood (Hamilton).
CX Series Ultraviolet - Fluorescence Analysis Cabinet (Speetroline).
  DNA Sequencing System "conformational sensitive gel electrophoresis unit" (ThermoEC).
Frost free commercial freezer (Frigidaire).
Gel documentation system (BioRad).
Gel documentation system (UVitec).
ISS110 Speed Vac System (Thermo Savant).
No frost freezer (Whirlpool).
No frost freezer "2 freezers" (DORA).
Olympus BX51 "multiuser microscope" (Olympus Optical Co., LTD).
Refrigerator (Kelvinator Platinum).
Shaking water bath (SHEL LAB).
Sterol/ GARD Hood CLASS II Type A/ B3 "Safety cabinet" (The Baker Company).
Water PRO PS "Water purification system" (LABCONCO).

Last Update
3/1/2015 1:17:45 PM